Dickson Cemetery History
The Dickson Cemetery was established during the early 1870's when George Washington Dickson set aside land to be used as a burial ground. On January 20, 1906, George J Dickson officially recorded the land with Benton County as an official cemetery. The earliest stone in the cemetery dates to 1864 (Martha E Dickson). Many unmarked graves from this and later time periods also exist in the cemetery.
Additional land has been donated to the cemetery throughout the years. On March 12, 1953, Stanley and Clara King donated a portion of land next to the highway. January 2, 1982 another strip of land near the highway was donated to the cemetery by R.B. and Jean Colbert. On July 22, 1994, an additional two acres was added through a Kelley family donation. On October 22, 2020 one acre was donated by Darrell Edmondson to the Dickson Cemetery.
The Dickson Cemetery Association was established on May 27, 1950 to ensure that the cemetery was documented and well cared for. The cemetery is a nonprofit organization. All maintenance and upkeep are through donations.
The original board members were Barnie J Dickson, French Porter, Joe Chamberlain, Clyde Chamberlain, Joe Sullivan, and Frank Ellis. The association secretary was Valda Porter, and the treasurer was Media Dickson. Subsequent board members have been Leroy Lamphear, Lois Lamphear, Bud Edmondson, Dena Edmondson, Glen Hurt, Sue Hurt, Gerald Hurt, and Derald Hurt. Valda Porter kept the original records and in 1982 turned them over to Lois Lamphear who maintained them up until May of 2022 at which time they were turned over to Teresa Parker.
Current Board
President - Teresa Parker
Secretary/Treasurer - Rick Parker
Board Members: Sharon Gutherie, Dale Gutherie, Roy Hughes, Gerald Edmondson
Board members do not receive any compensation.
The cemetery is a nonprofit organization and is maintained through donations.
We take donations at the cemetery on Memorial Weekend and also here on our web page. See the Donation button on the Home Page.
Donations can also be made at any Arvest Bank or to any board member at any time throughout the year.
Checks should always be made out to Dickson Cemetery and not to any individual.

We are always looking for volunteers to help with cleanup, maintenance, etc. If you would like to volunteer, see our Contacts link.
Purchasing a Plot
To purchase a plot at Dickson Cemetery, please contact either Teresa Parker or Sharon Gutherie. See Contacts link.